Tuesday, November 4, 2008

13 - Go Out and Vote!

It is officially election day. I had hoped to do a few more entries then I ever got around to doing, but I guess its to late now. I hope everyone who has ever glanced at this votes, assuming you are old enough of course.

I have a silly little polling story before the election comes and goes. I was called for some silly survey this weekend, I think it was on Friday afternoon. Now a lot of the questions were more about California specific measures, but they did ask about the presidential campaigns at the beginning and asked me a question I really had to think about.

First they asked those ones like, “do you plan on voting,” and I said I was absolutely sure I would be. Then they asked me for whom I was going to vote for, I told them Barack Obama. The somewhat hard question was “Is that more a vote for the Obama-Biden ticket or a vote against the McCain-Palin ticket?”

This question gave me pause, but I decided to say, “a vote for Obama.” I said this because I had been planning to vote for Obama since the primaries. Or rather, I had been hoping I would get to vote for him. However the closer we came to election day the more I have been disgusted by the McCain campaign, Sarah Palin of course being the biggest problem I had.

That poll probably doesn’t mean all that much considering I live in California, and I’m sure the questions about prop 4 and 8 and 12 were much more interesting to them, but I can’t help but continue to question that one answer I gave them. Perhaps I really was voting for Obama before, but now I think I really am voting against McCain.

That is it for tonight. GO VOTE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...