Monday, October 27, 2008

12 - Racism Rant

So yesterday the NY Times had an article about 2 men with hopes of killing Obama being arrested. You can read the full article here.

This is some scary shit right here. Yeah the article says they didn’t really have a plan and their ability to actually do it is questionable, but the fact is they wanted to do it. This is much more disturbing then the yelling at the republican rallies because it shows that some of those people seriously want him dead. Of course, that is not to mention they hoped to kill children at a predominantly African-American school.

I do believe this moment in America is a major step in the right direction towards ending racism, but its still just a step. Racism will probably never die, I mean truly die. So long as something is different between people there will be some kind of negative attitude about those differences. It can be skin color, culture, religion, anything really.

What needs to happen is people need to understand that all people being created equal does necessitate that everyone is the same. To say that in understanding this racism will die is not realistic. However if people understand this then any racism that exists will be minor, like crossing the street so as to not walk as close to a small group of Asians or African-Americans or whatever. That kind of racism will never completely die but it doesn’t hurt anyone either, it doesn’t try to make anyone subhuman, and in fact it could arguably be instinctual to a degree.

The desires to kill, or enslave is where the problem is. I really hope that should Obama be elected he can institute all the plans he has said he has for the white house. When the American people discover how much his policies help them, perhaps that will be the real turning point towards ending the extremes of racism in our country. Because just electing Obama won’t change racism in America, it will just show how much of the country has already changed.

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