Sunday, September 7, 2008

1 - Who and What

Alright! I starting this late but that is to be expected of me. On top of that, this is not about me or my bad habits. Its about politics! And what a year for politics it is, eh?

So to start off lets take a little look at who I am politically. I am officially a member of the Green Party, but I don't really know much about them other then pro-environment. So, to be somewhat accurate without a party affiliation, here is my “political compass” results from that silly online test:
So as you can see, I am a young “liberal, left" male. I am for the right to choose in terms of abortion, I am for homosexual’s right to marriage, I am for taxes that increase based on wealth, etc.

Of course some issues aren’t quite so black and white. For example, I am all for equality in the workplace and all that, however, I also feel like if women are to get all the same everything as men it must include EVERYTHING, like the draft. I know, I know, the chances that the draft would every be reinstated is so amazingly slim its hardly worth mentioning. But as a male, you are required to sign up for it anyway, and I just feel like women should also be forced to sign that little paper and possibly forced to goto war just like the men. I am for TOTAL equality.

Now that we are, at least somewhat, clear on who I am, it is time to ask what should I do?

Well that is a much harder question. Especially with my somewhat apathetic approach to politics. Don’t misunderstand, I am politically active. I’ve only missed one voting opportunity since turning 18. I listen to NPR and watch the daily show, I have gone to protests and put on bumper stickers, I have many opinions from the normative to the empirical questions involving various issues, and I am often willing to speak about politics at just about any time. I just don’t actively go out seeking people to debate with, or involve myself as a volunteer with my candidate of choice or anything.

Should I though? I do not know. And for tonight I shall leave it at that.

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