Sunday, September 14, 2008

3 - RNC Week

Ok finally getting to this; the Republican National Convention. I must admit, I really didn’t watch much of this one. After watching so much of the DNC I didn’t really feel like boring myself again in addition to hating what they would be saying even more.

However, before I get to the convention itself a little story got hushed up quite a bit. Namely, our government acting a bit more like a police state then they would ever like you to know. Arresting people in St. Paul before the convention started with claims that these would be protesters were suspected to do criminal things, rather then practicing their constitutional right to protesting. Read more about it here.

So for the first 2 nights I have pretty much no idea who spoke. I think our current president might have spoke Tuesday night but I could be wrong on that. So what I did was pay more attention to the daily show and their coverage of how ridiculous everything happening there was. And everyone should really see this clip involving the "unbiased media."

So then Wednesday night was Sarah Palin’s big speech, full of... inaccuracies. The biggest one being her, “I said thanks but no thanks to the bridge to nowhere,” line. Something used in a way to sound like she saved tax payers tons of money. But that wasn’t what happened, and it seems she finally admit to that fact during her interview with Charlie Gibson this week. Although she still isn’t admitting to the difference in what she is saying on her campaign and what actually happened. The short story is she was all for the project and then when it was apparent that the project wouldn’t be able to succeed she still took the federal money and then started lying about what happened on her campaign trail for vice president. For a little more depth on the issue click here.

Needless to say, I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin, but I’m thinking I might write a whole blog dedicated to her at some point. Anyway, I’m not a fan of John McCain either. Unsurprisingly for some of the same reasons, although mostly because I pay some amount of attention to this stuff and he is NOT a candidate of change. No matter what he said on the last night of the RNC. A night that was, to my amusement, the openning of the football season. Apperently this gave them a bigger audience for McCain's speech. Although, considering some of the mistakes they made, that is probably not a good thing.

That is it for tonight. From here on out my entries are going to be on whatever inspires me to write about.

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aratyr said...
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